A story of LOVE

Isankofa is an American skin care company that makes effective, cruelty-free, all natural skin care products. Founded by Sahra Deer, Isankofa products were created out of love and concern and the driving passion to remove harsh chemicals from our deodorants to our everyday skin/beauty products.
Sahra first came up with the idea when she was pregnant with her youngest. Sahra was adamant about finding a chemical-free deodorant safe enough for her and her child while breastfeeding.
She was aware of the dangers of aluminum that may be found in most deodorants. Enlightened, she learned that small amounts of toxins enter the bloodstream that can later result in anemia (decreased red blood count or hemoglobin), Alzheimer’s, Breast Cancer, bone disease, and memory changes.
As for pregnant women, case reports suggests that daily exposure to large dosages of antiperspirants that contain aluminum causes bone damage and extreme tiredness.
That’s when the passion ignited! She then knew it was her job to come up with a safe, all natural, EFFECTIVE deodorant, and that’s when iSankofa was born.
After the success with her deodorant, she later started adding more natural, handmade beauty products to her line. All of our creations are made with natural, organic, food-grade ingredients. With that in mind, our line is formulated to help your skin, hair and body, utilizing the natural benefits of each ingredient. Check us out!
Isankofa Skin Care is a member of the Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetics Guild and is registered with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection as a Connecticut Licensed Manufacturer of Cosmetics.